Browse to Mice and other pointing devices and unfurl using the arrow.Type device manager in your Start Menu search bar and select the Best Match.If you cannot find the relevant download on the manufacturer's site, complete an internet search for " windows 10 mouse driver" or " windows 10 touchpad driver." It should turn up the correct driver for your hardware. The manufacturer should provide a download of the latest version of your mouse driver. Note the name of your mouse or touchpad in the Device Manager, then head to the manufacturer's website. In the event there is no driver update available, you can try reinstalling the mouse driver manually. Windows will inform you if there are no updates available. Windows will now automatically scan your computer and the internet for any driver updates and install accordingly. If you haven't downloaded a driver directly from the manufacturer, select Search automatically for updated driver software.

The Windows 10 mouse driver will install. On the next page, use the Browse option to locate the driver, then press Next. If you have downloaded the correct driver, you should Browse my computer for driver software.