How to Find Screenshots on PC, How to Take a Screenshot on Google Chrome: Desktop or Mobile, 3 Simple Ways to Copy Your Screen with Print Screen. Save screenshots as PNG, JPEG, BMP, and TIFF. As for recording meetings, games, video calls, speeches, etc., you should upgrade to its pro version. In addition to taking screenshots and recordings, Snagit also lets you edit your images and videos, so you can add annotations, arrows, and other effects. When using Snagit, you will be using certain functions like trimming the image frequently. Add arrow, dram line, add text, spray, pin to screenshot after capturing. Instead just keep it in the digital world as outlined above.Some users reported that the scrolling capture cuts off the very bottom edge of the screenshot or displays it as a black section in Snagit 10 in Internet Explorer. If it's already digitized on your computer somehow, don't even consider converting it multiple times (D>A>spl then back from spl >A >D).

In any case, you shouldn't have to record the sound from a microphone/speakers as it already exists as a file somewhere.

you would use a tool like AVS4You audio editor, MP3Grabber, Audacity, to catpure it out of the Flash and into a conventional sound file format.

If you are trying grab sound this is truly "buried" in a Flash file (ie not linked to, but recorded in a SWF, FLV). Just locate that file(s) in the published package and drag them into where you need them. They (Articulate or otherwise) typically capture sound in stand alone sound files (think MP3) and then pull them in when needed during playback. If you are trying to grab the audio from a published e-learning project. (Vegas Home Studio, AVS4You video editor or video convertor, etc) Then open that file with a basic video editor and all of them (pretty much) will let you export/publish the sound only into a music file. If you are trying to grab the audio from a tradtional video file (mov, mp4, wmv, etc).