After cloning this repo execute git config core.hooksPath hooks in the root directory.Authentication, Password: as set in -monitoring-password.tweet-graph INTEGER Deactivated if Monitoring>Uptime Checks

tweet-gain-template TEXT This template will be formatted and posted tweet-loss-template TEXT This template will be formatted and posted tweet-losses INTEGER Deactivated if tweet at 2100, 2000, tweet-gains INTEGER Deactivated if tweet at 1900, 2000, It allows to tweet gains and/or losses with env -p 12345 : 12345 -it jcq9kw2s / telegram_updates_tweets : latest Options Usage: python -m telegram_updates_tweets Ĭonnects to telegram as a user and checks every 60minutes the subscriberĬount of the given channel. env -p 12345 : 12345 -it jcq9kw2s / telegram_updates_tweets : latestįor development docker stop tt docker rm tt docker run -name tt -v "$pwd/ssion:/app/ssion" -network = "host" -env -file.

Powershell docker run -name tt -v "$pwd/ssion:/app/ssion" -network = "host" -env -file. I recommend running the python module in terminal first to get the session of telegram and mount it into the container, the session-journal file should not need to be mounted. Simple version (powershell) python -m telegram_updates_tweets -tweet-losses 100 ` -twitter-key OopNaGdhsdhgsgRg0FVAOzC ` -twitter-secret VWyvs87IKYsgsdhdswgg23g3g3gPbcETEV8HlvmnCx ` -twitter-access-token 134062562626437 - 1zh50lhr3dggsgsg8oYGrSh3eW ` -twitter-access-token-secret 5jGpCn79ZexhcQafaf43yt3gNEKWQVzzU ` -telegram-api-id 20161454 ` -telegram-api-hash b7dae636835151536egwgf6ffc69 ` -telegram-channel-name CHANNELNAME ` -tweet-loss-template 'Der Kanal hat Leser It also supports environmental variabls (see docker instructions below for details). The package is configured with a bunch of options. With monitoring and database logging pip install telegram_updates_tweets Usage Simple version pip install telegram_updates_tweets Use the package manager pip to install telegram_updates_tweets. It requires a twitter API key and telegram API key. This package monitors the number of participants in a telegram channel and can post gains/losses updates to twitter.